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New incentive to ensure the normalisation of the activity and simplified support for micro-enterpris

Ordinance No. 102-A/2021 of 14 May was published governing the new incentive to the normalisation of business activity provided for in Decree- Law No. 23-A/2021 of 24 March, as amended, and the simplified support for micro-enterprises to retain jobs provided for in Decree-Law No. 46- A/2020 of 30 July, as amended.

The new incentive to ensure the normalisation of the activity consists of a financial aid package granted by the Portuguese Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP) to business owners when their employees resume normal working hours and their activity normalises. This aid is attributed per employee that was entitled to the extraordinary support for the maintenance of employment contracts and the extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity. If requested by 31 May 2021, this incentive amounts to 2 NMW or, if requested after this date and no later than 31 August 2021, to 1 NMW. The simplified support for micro-enterprises to maintain jobs is aimed at micro-enterprises that are in a situation of business crisis and have benefited (solely in 2020) from the extraordinary support for the maintenance of employment contracts or the extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity provided for in Decree-Law No. 46-A/2020 of 30 July, as amended. This measure consists of a financial aid package granted by the IEFP in the amount of 2 NMW per employee covered by those measures paid in six monthly instalments. The application period for the simplified support and the new incentive to the normalisation of the activity runs from 9 a.m. on 19 May until 6 p.m. on 31 May 2021 pursuant to the call for applications that will soon be available on the IEFP website and iefponline. Employers that meet the applicable requirements may apply for the simplified support or the new incentive on the iefponline portal in the management area of each entity. Each employer may only submit one application. To submit an application, the entity’s registered office must be registered at iefponline and must be validated by the IEFP services. If you want to apply and have yet to register the entity’s registered office, you can do it at once at iefponline in order to ensure that it is validated by the IEFP before the end of the application period. Cumulation and sequentiality of aid instruments Employers may not benefit, simultaneously or sequentially, from the new incentive to ensure the normalisation of the activity and the simplified support provided for in Ordinance No. 102-A/2021, and neither may they simultaneously benefit from the extraordinary support for the maintenance of employment contracts or the extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity.

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